Unity in the church sounds great—but at what cost? Should churches in Singapore put aside doctrinal differences just to be "one"? Is there a way to pursue unity without compromising biblical truth?
In this episode of the Tabjoy Podcast, we dive into what true unity looks like, why doctrine matters, and how believers can stand firm in faith while fostering a strong Christian community in Singa... Continue reading
This article refutes the claim that speaking in tongues was only necessary in the apostolic era and is now obsolete. By examining biblical evidence, it demonstrates that tongues were not just for evangelism but served as the initial evidence of receiving the Holy Spirit, a practice that remains essential today. The article highlights the distinction between the gift of tongues and the sign of tong... Continue reading
Many people ask, “If God is one, why doesn’t He just say it plainly?” The truth is—He did. The Bible repeatedly declares God’s oneness in clear terms, yet human reasoning and tradition have complicated what was meant to be simple. This blog explores how scripture consistently affirms that God is one, why people struggle with accepting this truth, and how faith is required to receive reve... Continue reading