There is no denying that we are living in the end times. Wars, rumours of wars, diseases, natural disasters…they fill our news. These are only some of the signs that tell us that Jesus is coming back soon. One prevalent sign, though not reported about is rampant in our time. Matthew 24:3-5 Now as He Continue reading
Disciple-maker, this is question is for you. Who is the hardest person you ever had to lead? You are thinking of a name or seeing a face right now. The one who pushed your buttons, tested the extent we can love the unlovable…Don’t we all have those in our lives! But no, it’s not them Continue reading
There is so much on the shoulders of Pastors today. Their job description is an endless list: A Spiritual leader A Shepherd of the flock A Visionary A Strategist A Bible Teacher A Business Manager An Accountant A Financial Advisor An Office Manager A Counsellor …and the list goes on… The pressure is real. With Continue reading
Do people want what you have? Is your life attractive? The truth is, our lives are the real advertisement. The Bible calls our lives a living epistle, an open book for all to read. 2 You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men; 3 clearly you are an epistle Continue reading
Upcoming Webinar with Pastor Timothy Lee: Developing a Discipleship Track! While relational discipleship is disciple-focused, it doesn’t mean it is disciple-led. In building a relationship with the disciple, we earn an influence over their lives. What is the purpose of this influence? It is so that we can lead them in growing in the Lord Continue reading
Yep, you read that right. Scary. Relational discipleship can be scary and here is why. 1. We lose control. Since relational discipleship is dependent on the disciple, there is no fixed timeline. We cannot determine the point of maturity, when crisis occur, or the choices people make. They start off on the right path, but Continue reading