As God's people, we have received a significant mandate: to claim territories by spiritually advancing the Kingdom of God. Through intercessory prayer and spiritual warfare, we bind the strongman, displacing the spiritual forces that aim to keep regions and people in bondage. Binding the strongman is crucial for breaking spiritual oppression and opening doors for the Gospel. However, if we stop there, our efforts are only half-done. Our calling extends beyond spiritual battles to advancing God’s Kingdom through evangelism and discipleship, occupying the ground we've fought for.

The Call to Occupy and Conquer

When we bind the strongman, the spiritual atmosphere changes, weakening the enemy's strongholds. In Matthew 12:29, Jesus states, “How can one enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house” (NKJV). Binding alone is just the initial step. We must then occupy. This requires being intentional about evangelizing, conducting Bible studies, and making disciples so the claimed ground is solidly established for the Kingdom.

To occupy and conquer means filling the spiritual void left by the displacement of darkness with the light and life of the Gospel. This includes teaching new believers, grounding them in the Word, and equipping them for their roles in advancing God’s mission. Without this, we risk losing our gains, as the enemy seeks to reassert influence where there is no sustained spiritual presence.

Intercessors: The Essential Component of Evangelism and Discipleship

Intercessory prayer is vital, but prayer alone does not complete the Great Commission. Jesus’s command in Matthew 28:19-20, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them…teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you…” (NKJV), emphasizes that disciple-making is a continuous, active process. Intercessors play a key role in dismantling spiritual barriers, but this should be coupled with active evangelism and discipleship efforts to firmly establish God’s Kingdom.

Neglecting evangelism and discipleship risks squandering the groundwork laid by intercession. We need to raise labourers who can both fight in the spirit and work in the field, combining prayer with action and warfare with wisdom.

Building Strongholds of Godly Influence

Establishing a godly stronghold involves forming a community of believers who live, grow, and minister together. The apostolic model is one of interdependence, where each member of the Body of Christ supports, encourages, and equips others. In Ephesians 4:11-13, Paul explains that God “gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.”

The purpose of building this stronghold is to serve as a hub of spiritual and practical outreach, drawing more into the faith community and impacting the surrounding area with Christ’s truth and love. When working in unity, each part of the Body strengthens the whole, making evangelism sustainable.

Conquer to Proclaim and Penetrate Communities with the Gospel

A godly stronghold becomes a beacon for Christ, a base from which the Gospel spreads into communities and reaches the lost. A community rooted in intercession, evangelism, and discipleship upholds the Gospel's truth and consistently demonstrates Christ’s love. To fulfil our mission, we must extend beyond our church walls, influencing schools, workplaces, and neighbourhoods, witnessing boldly, and helping others encounter Jesus.

Each convert testifies to God’s power, and each disciple extends the Gospel further, creating a ripple effect that amplifies our efforts. As intercessors, we must realize that spiritual warfare falls short without evangelism. But combining intercessory prayer with active disciple-making leads to claiming territory, transforming hearts, and changing lives eternally.

A Call to the Church: Balance Intercession with Action

We should fully embrace the Great Commission, binding the strongman and rapidly moving to occupy and conquer the spiritual ground we've freed. Intercessors, evangelists, and disciplers must collaborate, turning prayer efforts into Kingdom expansion. By merging intercession with active ministry, we build a godly stronghold capable of advancing God’s Kingdom and proclaiming His glory, establishing His love and truth as the foundation of every community we touch.

In these times, may we be faithful in binding the strongman, building up the Body, and expanding God’s Kingdom with intentional, lasting impact. The harvest is ready; let us work diligently to bring it in.